Tuesday 19 July 2011


Okay, so it’s a couple of years old but I just managed to get my hands on a dvd copy of Moon, written and directed by first timer Duncan Jones. http://www.facebook.com/moon

If you like your sci-fi cerebral, your characters complex and your cinematography crispy clean, Moon can deliver. Sam Rockwell does a great job in the lead and Kevin Spacey is perfect as the voice of the moon-station computer (very reminiscent of Hal 9000 in 2001 A Space Odyssey).

From a story-telling perspective Moon is a great study in character. As the film progresses you find yourself identifying with one character more than another even though, on the face of it, you should feel the same about both of them. The characters are similar in most respects and find themselves at the mercy of the same circumstances. But character is action and as they each react differently to what’s going on around them you have subtly different reactions to them.

Well worth checking out.

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